California Prison Strike
It began in Pelican Bay
In 2013 four political prisoners—Todd Ashker, Arturo Castellanos, Antonio Guillen, and Sitawa Nantambu—and fellow inmates at California's Pelican Bay State Prison coordinated a huger strike. This strike protested the inhuman prison conditions and the indefinite incarceration in solitary confinement.
Their act of solidarity connect their fellow incarcerated prisoners across various age, ethnic, and gang groups. Their movement was supported by 30,000 prisoners participating in the strike.
The California Prison Strike protest resulted in the creation of The Agreement to End Hostilities, a document that advocates for the humanity of inmates, advocates for solidarity amongst all kinds of people, and creates a set of rules that help end generational trauma.
Articles on the california prison strike
How 4 Inmates Launched A Statewide Hunger Strike From Solitary (NPR)​
Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity - About (Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity)​
Ashker v. Governor of California - Case Timeline (Center for Constitutional Rights)